Monday 11 August 2014

Relationship Tip of The Day: Abusers control..... speak out and take back your life!

Most people stay in a relationship where they are abused because they think there is nothing they can do about it. Note that in this case I am not writing about physical abuse alone but also about emotional and verbal abuse.

When you bring down your spouse or partner by saying demeaning words to them, you are abusing them. Emotional abuse leaves scars that can not easily be healed, unlike when abused physically, the scars made are treated and within few days or weeks disappear.

If your spouse presently can not do all the things you dreamt of before marriage probably because he/she is not capable to do so, that should not be an excuse to make them feel inferior by manipulating them into doing things your way. Don't control them or make them feel like they have a problem that only you can solve. Rather, be more understanding, love them enough to encourage them become better than they are right now. Saying hurtful words will only make that spouse of yours get worse.

Now if you are the person being abused verbally, emotionally or physically, it is time for you to work more on yourself so as to get better, stand up, speak out and take your life back. Seriously you are not to blame because that person abusing you also has his/her own problems. You do not have to stomach every insult that comes your way.

You are a special person created to do special things in a special way. The most important thing you need do is stand up and take charge of your life, afterall, it is yours and no one can take it from you as long as you don't allow them.

I wish you all the best and I pray you receive strength to live a happy life!

Bukola Oyetunji

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