Tuesday 5 August 2014

Tips on How to ask a girl out – For shy guys

Some men find it difficult to ask a woman out probably because they've had previous turndowns. If you are this kind of man, here are some tips that can help build your confidence within a twinkle of an eye... *wink*

1. Become Friends First

This is one of the top dating tips for shy guys you must be conversant with. When you meet a girl you are interested in, your first aim should be to become her friend. If you become friends, she will drop her guard. This will give you the opportunity to get close to and be free with her as well. You will no longer be shy around her. This dating advice is also useful to guys who are bold and confident. It makes approaching women for a date easy for men. You learn more about her with ease. To make things easier and faster, make every moment with her fun. Leave her looking forward to your next time together. She will be comfortable and feel less threatened around you. However you have to be careful when approaching her for a date for you not to ruin your friendship.

2. Lookout for Common Interests

This is one of the best dating tips for shy guys and even the bold and confident ones. When you have a common interest, you have a reason to be together at any time. She will not hesitate to give you her phone number if you ask. She will see nothing wrong in letting you know where she lives. When you become close and free with each other you start giving her those “i love you” signs. She may or may not get it. But you can effortlessly ask her out without being tongue tied or shy. Sports clubs,social groups and forums are all good places to meet people of common interest.

3. Read Her Body Language

This shy guy dating advice works mostly for guys who understand how to read body language and non-verbal communication. This dating advice is very important for the success of any romantic relationship.   She may be interested in you and be giving you signal. This shy guy’s dating tip will help you if you know what to look out for. You must know those signs that say she loves you if you must benefit from this dating tip.

4. Avoid Approaching Women in Public Places

Any shy guy who wants to enjoy a blissful love dating relationship must avoid this. You should not meet women in places like bars and night clubs. This is because women have pride to protect. Especially when friends and relations are around. They don’t want to be seen as cheap. Even if deep down their heart they want you, they may turn you down at that moment. They do this just because their friends are around and to protect their self-image. This is one of the dating tips shy guys should adhere strictly to if they must avoid rejection. Rejection takes most shy guys further into their shell. If you must date faithful and honest women then you must avoid approaching women in bars and night clubs. You can meet a woman who is tipsy and she falls for you. When she gets over her drunken state you will be surprised and embarrassed at her reaction towards you. She may even tell you that she has never met you before in her life.

5. Rejection Is Not the End of Dating For You

This is one of the dating tips for shy guys you get used to as you keep talking to ladies often. A woman will reject your approach if you wrongly approach her for a date. She may simply not be in the mood for such discussion. It may also be that she is in a serious love dating relationship. Most shy guys take it personally when a woman rejects their approach for a dating relationship. This makes them shy the more and avoid approaching any other woman. The truth is that the woman did not reject you rather she rejected your approach. Therefore, this should not stop you from approaching her again or other ladies.

6. Be Prepared In Advance

As a shy guy going out for a date the least thing you ever wanted is an embarrassing surprise, especially on a first date. You have to be prepared in advance to forestall this embarrassment. Make sure you know the restaurant of your choice for the date very well. The cost of their foods and drinks must be known to you. Make sure you have enough money to pay for the bills. If you are going out for an event or to the cinema be sure to have the tickets in advance. All these will save you embarrassment. Having a backup plan is necessary. Do a thorough homework before going out on a date with any woman for the first time. This is one of the best dating tips for shy guys going for a first date.

7. Don’t Fake Your Personality

One of the things ladies hate in guys is pretending to be what you are not. If you are in a relationship based on this be rest assured that your relationship won’t last. She will hate you once she realizes you are fake! This is another of the dating tips for shy guys that save you a whole lot of embarrassment. It pays to be you. She will like you for whom and what you are, not what you are not. She will feel betrayed and lied to if she finds out you are not what you say you are.

These are all great dating tips for shy guys that when applied will surely work for you. It will help you have your dream love dating relationship. So stop wasting your golden opportunities of dating your dream woman. Follow these shy guys dating tips and your dating problems and shyness are over.

Do you have some other dating tips for shy guys? Please share it using the comment form. Also don't forget to share this information with your shy male friends.

Catch ya!

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